India March 2011 (part 1)
Primary Location(s) Visited: Bharatpur NP, Chambal River, Kaziranga NP
Type of Trip & Duration (including travel): Specialist Photo trip, 1 week bespoke itinerary on my own plus 1 week organized specialist photo trip
Target Species: Gharial and Indian rhino (secondary targets were sarus crane and blackbuck antelope)
Main Kit: : D200/MD-200, D300/MD-10, Nikkors 70-200/2.8, 200-400/4, 17-55/2.8, TC-14E, Wimberley WH-200, Gitzo GT3540XLS, SB-800, SD-8a
Comments: I have split the gallery into two, part 1 covering Bharatpur and Chambal River, and Kaziranga in part 2. All pictures taken in the wild.
India March 2011 (part 2)
Primary Location(s) Visited: Bharatpur NP, Chambal River, Kaziranga NP
Type of Trip & Duration (including travel): Specialist Photo trip, 1 week bespoke itinerary on my own plus 1 week organized specialist photo trip
Target Species: Gharial and Indian rhino (secondary targets were sarus crane and blackbuck antelope)
Main Kit: : D200/MD-200, D300/MD-10, Nikkors 70-200/2.8, 200-400/4, 17-55/2.8, TC-14E, Wimberley WH-200, Gitzo GT3540XLS, SB-800, SD-8a
Comments: I have split the gallery into two, part 1 covering Bharatpur and Chambal River, and Kaziranga in part 2. All pictures taken in the wild.
Borneo Indonesia December 2009
Primary Location: Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia
Trip Type & Duration: Specialist Photo trip organised by Photographers on Safari / Stepps Discovery
Target Species: Orang-utan, proboscis monkey
Main Kit: Nikon D200/MD-200, D300/MD-10, Nikkors 70-200/2.8, 70-180 micro, 300/4 AFS, 17-55/2.8, TC-14E, Kenko AF/AFS extension tubes, Wimberley WH-200, Gitzo GT3540XLS, SB-800 (+ homemade bracket), SD-8a, Nikon R1 Speedlight system, + laptop, readers, duplicate ext. hard drives, etc.
Comments: All pictures were taken in the wild in Tanjung Puting National Park. Some minor manipulation has been applied to some images, othersise just standard levels, sharpening, croppping, etc.
India February 2009 (Wildlife)
Primary Locations: Bandhavgarth NP & Ranthambore NP
Trip Type & Duration: Specialist Photo trip organised by Photographers on Safari and the whole itinerary was arranged by Wildlife Trails using their Indian agent Perfect Travels. 2 weeks
Target Species: Tiger
Main Kit: Nikon D200/MD-200, D300/MD-10, Nikkors 70-200/2.8, 200-400/4, 18-70/3.5-45, TC-14E, Wimberley WH-200, Gitzo GT3540XLS, SB-800 + laptop, readers, duplicate ext. hard drives, etc.
Comments: All the pictures were shot in the wild except for cobra which was captive and the tiger chasing a sambar is a composite of two images from a single chase. See also non-wildlife gallery for general pictures from the trip (also there is a trip report).
Sri Lanka February 2007
Primary Location(s) Visited: The itinerary changed during the trip (but that is a story in itself!), from memory 2 nights Colombo, 5 or 6 nights at the Deer Park Safari Lodge (close to Minneriya Sanctuary) and then another 1 or 2 nights in Colombo.
Type of Trip & Duration (including travel): Family package holiday with a bespoke itinerary booked through Kuoni (again!). Photography was not a priority. Approx 10 days.
Target Species: Nothing specific
Main Kit: Nikon D200/MD-200, Nikkors 70-180 Micro, 300mm/4 AFS, 18-70/3.5-45, 50/1.8D, TC-14E, Manfrotto 055 / 168
Comments: My first 'digital trip'. The elephants in the river are CAPTIVE, the others are wild. The island has lots of photographic potential and is a great holiday destination, check out the trip report....